Monday Aug 05, 2024
Summer Shorts: How do you grow closer to the Lord and closer together?
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Monday Aug 05, 2024
In this episode of the Redeemed Marriage podcast, Rusty and Heather Bryant answer a Summer Shorts question from a listener in Oklahoma. They discuss practical ways couples can grow closer to God individually and together. Their candid conversation reveals how their individual and collective spiritual lives have changed post infidelity. Drawing from that personal experience, Rusty and Heather share the importance of individual spiritual growth as the foundation for growing spiritually as a couple. They offer thoughts on balancing shared spiritual practices, while supporting each other's unique spiritual journeys.
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Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
This week a listener from Kansas asks about the complexities of celebrating a big anniversary milestone after their marriage has been marred by infidelity. Having just celebrated 28 years of marriage, Rusty and Heather discuss the importance of celebrating restoration and redemption. They share personal stories of anniversaries following their own journey through infidelity, and how their celebrations are much different now.
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Monday Jul 22, 2024
Summer Shorts: How did Heather's cancer diagnosis affect reconciliation?
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Monday Jul 22, 2024
In this week's episode of The Redeemed Marriage Podcast, Rusty and Heather discuss a listener's question from the United Kingdom regarding the impact of Heather's cancer diagnosis on their journey of reconciliation. Heather was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016, just five years after their marriage crisis.
This episode explores how the health crisis was challenging, but also served as a catalyst for reaffirming their commitment to one another. Rusty and Heather share their personal experiences, discussing the growth that came from facing such a significant life event together. Listen in on how adversity can strengthen bonds, the importance of teamwork during tough times, and how shared struggles can lead to deeper understanding and connection. Whatever challenge you are facing, your commitment to each other can flourish even in the face of adversity. Tune in for an episode filled with hope, resilience, and practical advice for maintaining a strong marriage through life's trials.
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Rusty and Heather's Marriage Coaching
The Story of Heather's Cancer Journey
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
In this week's Summer Shorts episode, Rusty and Heather tackle two interconnected listener questions about post-affair communication challenges. They discuss the balance between healing from betrayal and moving forward in your marriage after infidelity.
They address a betrayed spouse's anxiety about discussing the affair, fearing it may cause guilt for their partner. They also examine the struggle of an unfaithful spouse dealing with frequent, painful reminders of their past actions.Drawing from their personal experiences, Rusty and Heather offer practical advice on:
Creating a safe space for open, honest communication
Setting healthy boundaries for affair-related discussions
Managing emotions and triggers during conversations
Balancing the need for healing with the desire to move forward
Fostering empathy and understanding between partners
This episode provides valuable guidance for couples navigating the complex journey of rebuilding trust and intimacy after infidelity, emphasizing the importance of patience, compassion, and even professional support in the healing process.
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Monday Jul 08, 2024
Monday Jul 08, 2024
This week's episode of The Redeemed Marriage Podcast continues the Summer Shorts series, addressing a question from a listener in Mississippi about the potential impact of married couples sleeping in separate beds.
Rusty and Heather discuss the potential risks associated with sleeping separately, while also providing practical tips for couples to maintain healthy sleeping habits. They also share their opinion on whether it's generally advisable for married couples to sleep apart.
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Monday Jul 01, 2024
Monday Jul 01, 2024
On this week's episode of The Redeemed Marriage Podcast, Rusty and Heather tackle a challenging question from a listener in Pennsylvania: How to handle a situation where one spouse believes the marriage has significant problems and is unhappy, while the other spouse feels everything is fine.
Drawing from their personal experiences and insights, Rusty and Heather explore this common marital dilemma from both perspectives. They offer practical advice for both the dissatisfied spouse and the content spouse. They also discuss the potential benefits of seeking professional help, such as marriage counseling or coaching, to bridge the gap in perceptions and improve overall marital satisfaction.
This episode provides valuable insights and actionable steps to navigate this delicate situation, fostering better understanding and connection between spouses with differing views on their marriage's health.
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Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Rusty and Heather sit down with their sons, Luke and Logan, for a deeply moving and personal conversation. For the first time, Luke and Logan open up publicly about their understanding of their parents' journey through infidelity and how it impacted them as they were growing up. Hear their honest and heartfelt reflections on learning of their parents' marriage crisis, the challenges they faced as a result, and the lessons they learned along the way. This episode offers a unique perspective on the ripple effects of marital infidelity on a family and provides hope and inspiration for those navigating similar paths. Listen in on this powerful conversation about the Bryant family's journey to redemption.
Submit Your Summer Shorts Question
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
A listener from Georgia asks, "How can I best encourage and help my friend as she rebuilds her marriage after an affair?" Rusty and Heather offer practical advice and emotional support strategies for anyone walking alongside a friend in the wake of infidelity.
Rusty and Heather share emotional stories of the support they received during their journey through infidelity. Whether you're directly affected by infidelity or seeking to support someone who is, this episode offers a valuable perspective on navigating the complex and often painful process of rebuilding a marriage after betrayal. Tune in to gain deeper insights and encouragement for your own journey or that of someone you care about.
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
On this week's episode of The Redeemed Marriage Podcast, Rusty and Heather tackle a sensitive topic submitted by a listener - how to handle situations where one spouse's touchy-feely behavior with the opposite sex makes the other spouse uncomfortable. The listener's scenario involves a husband who admits to touching women in a way he wouldn't touch men, causing discomfort for his wife. Rusty and Heather offer insights from their own experiences and provide practical guidance for couples navigating similar boundaries.
In this episode, Heather vulnerably shares her perspective as the formerly unfaithful spouse, emphasizing the importance of establishing clear physical and emotional boundaries within a marriage. She highlights how seemingly innocent touches or interactions can potentially lead down a slippery slope, emphasizing the need for open communication and mutual understanding between spouses.
Rusty, as the betrayed spouse, stresses the significance of respecting your spouse's comfort levels and boundaries. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the spouse's feelings and being willing to make adjustments to ensure both individuals feel secure and respected within the marriage.
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Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
A listener from Mississippi asked how to stay connected to their spouse when they have young children. Maintaining an emotional and physical connection with your spouse can be challenging as your marriage goes through various seasons and transitions. In this episode, Rusty and Heather provide insightful tips and strategies to help couples maintain intimacy throughout the busy seasons of married life. Drawing from their own experiences navigating the ups and downs, they offer practical advice on prioritizing quality time, effective communication, reigniting romance, and keeping the spark alive amid the demands of work, parenthood, and other life changes.
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